The Owen Lab

Journal Articles

2025 (3 published, 2 in press)

  • Luppi, A.I., Golkowski, D., Ranft, A., Ilg, R., Jordan, D., Bzdok, D., Owen, A.M., Naci, L., Stamatakis, E.A., Amico, E., Mici, B. General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain functional connectivity across individuals and across species. Nature Human Behaviour, in press.

  • Owen, A.M. The Stakes Are High: Scientific Responsibility in the Age of Digital Diagnostics. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press.

2024 (14 published articles)

2023 (15 published articles)

2022 (13 published articles)

  • Norton, L., Graham, M., Kazazian, K., Gofton, T., Weijer, C., Debicki, D., Fernandez-Espejo, D., Althenayan, E., Owen A.M. Use of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Cognition and Consciousness in Severe Guillian-Barre Syndrome. International Journal of clinical and Health Psychology, in press.

  • Rankaduwa, S.P., Owen, A.M. Psychedelics, Entropic Brain Theory, and the Taxonomy of Conscious States: A Summary of Debates and Perspectives. Neuroscience of Consciousness, in press.

2021 (24 published articles)

2020 (21 published articles)

2019 (19 published articles)

2018 (15 published articles)

2017 (17 published articles)

2016 (18 published articles)

  • Naci, L., Graham, M., Owen, A. M. Weijer, C. Covert narrative capacity: A cross-section of the preserved mental life in patients thought to lack consciousness. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, doi: 10.1002/acn3.376, 2016.

2015 (22 published articles)

2014 (19 published articles)

2013 (19 published articles)

2012 (9 published articles)

2011 (10 published articles)

2010 (12 published articles)

2009 (12 published articles)

2008 (14 published articles)

2007 (12 published articles)

2006 (17 published articles)

  • Boly, M., Owen, A. M., Laureys, S. To be or not to be vegetative. Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. 918-925, 2006.

2005 (9 published articles)

  • Cheesman, A.L., Barker, R. A., Lewis, S. J. G., ., Robbins, T. W., Owen, A. M., Brooks, D. J.. Lateralisation of striatal function: Evidence from 18F-dopa PET in Parkinson’s disease.  J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76(9): 1204-1210, 2005.

2004 (13 published articles)

  • Owen, A. M. and Slabosz, A. Mechanizm przerzutnosci uwagi – wyuczona nieadekwatnosc. Studia Psychologiczne Oblicza uwagi, 42 (1), pp. 71-78, 2004

  • Lewis, S. G. J., Dove, A., Robbins, T.W., Barker, R.A., Owen, A. M.  Striatal contributions to working memory: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in humans. European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(3), 755-760, 2004.

2003 (7 published articles)

2002 (9 published articles)

2001 (9 published articles)

  • Harrison, J. E. and Owen, A. M. Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Dunitz, London, 2001.

  • Harrison, J. E. and Owen, A. M. Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Methodological Considerations. In Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. J. E. Harrison and A. M. Owen (Eds). Dunitz, London, 2001.

  • Owen, A. M. The Neuropsychological Sequelae of Frontal-Lobe damage. In Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. J. E. Harrison and A. M. Owen (Eds). Dunitz, London, 2001.

  • Harrison, J. E., Stow, I., Owen A. M., Parkinson’s disease. In Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. J. E. Harrison and A. M. Owen (Eds). Dunitz, London, 2001.

2000 (13 published articles)

  • Johnsrude, I.S., Giraud, A. L., Morosan, P., Brett, M., Owen, A. M., Zilles, K. Functional Imaging of the auditory system: The use of positron emission tomography. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Congress of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery, 35-42, 2000.

  • Schneider, W. X., Owen, A. M. Duncan, J. Executive Control and the Frontal Lobe: Current Issues. Springer, 2000.

  • Duncan, J. and Owen A. M. Dissociative methods in the study of frontal lobe function. Attention and Performance XVIII, 567-576, 2000.

1999 (14 published articles)

  • Lee, A. C. H. Owen, A. M., Rogers, R., Sahakian, B. J., Robbins, T.W. Utility of the CANTAB battery in functional neuroimaging. In M. Ernst and J. M. Rumsey (Eds). Functional Neuroimaging in Child Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge U.K. 366-378, 2000.

  • Owen A.M., and Doyon, J. The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Parkinson’s Disease: A Functional Neuroimaging Perspective. In G. Stern (Ed.). Parkinson’s Disease (Advances in Neurology). Lippincott-Raven Press, pp 49-56, 1999.

  • Cools, R., Swainson, R., Owen A. M. Robbins, T. W. Cognitive Function in Non-Demented Parkinson’s Disease. In ECH Wolters, PH Cheltens, HW Berendse (Eds) Mental Dysfunction In Parkinson’s disease. Academic Pharmaceutical Productions, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 1999.

  • Owen, A. M. Functional Neuroimaging: Recent Contributions to Neuropsychology, Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurology.  To Appear in Jose M. Olivares (Ed). Investigation en Psiquiatria, Spain, 1999.

  • Owen, A.M., Doyon, J., Dagher, A., Evans, A.C. Abnormal Basal-Ganglia Outflow in Parkinson’s Disease Identified with  Positron Emission Tomography: Implications for Higher Cortical Functions. Focus On Parkinson’s Disease. pp18-19, 1999.

  • Owen, A.M., Doyon, J.  The cognitive neuropsychology of Parkinson’s disease: a functional neuroimaging perspective.  Ad. Neurol. 80: 49-56, 1999.

  • Doyon, J., Owen, A. M. Jackson, P. L., Lafleur, M., Cesaro, P., Remy, P. Analysis des effets therapeutiques au plan moteur et cognitif des greffes de cellules mesencephaliques dopaminergiques chez les patients attients de la maladie de parkinson. Medecine/Sciences, 5, vol. 15, XX-XXIII. ,1999

1998 (8 published articles)

  • Robbins, T.W., Owen, A.M., and Sahakian, B.J. The neuropsychology of basal ganglia disorders; An integrative cognitive and comparative approach. In M. Ron and A. David (Eds.) Disorders of Brain and Mind. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

  • Owen A.M., Sahakian, B.J., Robbins, T.W. The role of executive deficits in memory disorders in neurodegenerative disease. In A.I. Troster  (Ed.) Memory in Neurodegenerative disease: Biological, Cognitive and Clinical Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

1997 (6 published articles)

  • Robbins, T.W., James, M. Owen, A.M., Sahakian, B.J. A neural systems approach to the cognitive psychology of ageing:studies with CANTAB on large samples of the normal elderly population. P. Rabbitt (Ed.) Methodology of Frontal and Executive Function. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, East Sussex, U.K., 1997.

1996 (8 published articles)

  • Veale, D, Sahakian, B.J., Owen, A.M. and Marks, I. Specific cognitive deficits in tests sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction in a sub-group of patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychological Medicine, 26(6), 1261-1269, 1996.

  • Doyon, J., Owen A.M., Petrides, M., Sziklas, V. and Evans, A.C. Functional anatomy of visuomotor skill learning in human subjects examined with positron emission tomography. European Journal of Neuroscience. 8(4), 637-648, 1996.

  • Owen A.M., Doyon, J., Petrides, M. and Evans, A.C. Planning and spatial working memory examined with positron emission tomography (PET). European Journal Of Neuroscience, 8, 353-364, 1996.

1995 (3 published articles)

  • Owen A.M., Beksinska, M., James, M., Leigh, P.N., Summers, B.A., Marsden, C.D., Quinn, N.P., Sahakian, B.J. and Robbins T.W. Visuospatial memory deficits at different stages of Parkinson’s disease. In 1995 Year Book Of Neurology And Neurosurgery. W.G. Bradley and R.H. Wilkins, (Eds.) Mosby, St. Louis, U.S.A., 1995.

1994 (3 published articles)

  • Robbins, T.W., Roberts, A.C., Owen, A.M., Sahakian, B.J., Everitt, B.J., Wilkinson, L., Muir, J.L., De Salvia, M. and Tovee, M. Monoaminergicdependent cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex in monkey and man. In A.M. Theiry, J. Glowinski, P.S. Goldman-Rakic, Y. Christen. (Eds.) Motor and Cognitive Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 93-111, 1994.

1993 (8 published articles)

  • Sahakian, B.J., Owen, A.M., Morant, N.J., Eagger, S.A., Boddington, S., Crayton, L., Crockford, H.A., Crooks, M.M., Hill, K. Levy, R. Further analysis of the effects of tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA) in Alzheimer’s disease on attentional and mnemonic function using CANTAB. Psychopharmocology (Berl), 110(4), 395401, 1993.

  • Owen, A.M., David, A.S, Forstl, H. Anton’s syndrome after Anton. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, 6, 68, 1993.

  • Forstl, H. Owen, A.M. and David A. Gabriel Anton and ‘Anton’s symptom’: “on focal diseases of the brain which are not perceived by the patient” (1898). Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, 6, 16, 1993.

  • Owen A.M. and Robbins, T.W. Comparative Neuropsychology of Parkinsonian Syndromes. In E.Ch. Wolters and P. Scheltens (Eds.)  Mental dysfunction In Parkinson’s disease. 221-242, 1993.

  • Owen A.M. Computerised Assessment of Cognitive Function in Ageing and Dementia. In A. Burns, (Ed.) Ageing and Dementia  A Methodological Perspective, 86-102, 1993.

1992 (4 published articles)

1991 (3 published articles)

  • Forstl, H. Almeida, O.P., Owen, A.M., Burns, A. and Howard, R. Psychiatric, neurological and medical aspects of misidentification syndromes: A review of 260 cases. Psychological Medicine, 21(4),  905910, 1991.

  • Almeida, O.P., Forstl, H., Howard, R., Owen, A.M., Levy R. Aspectos Psiquiatricos e Neurologicos da Sindrome de Capgras e de Outros Disturbios de Identificacao Correlatos. Revista ABPAPAL (Associacao Brasileira de PsiquiatriaAssociacion Psiquiatrica de la America Latina) 13(2): 6367, 1991.

1990 (1 published article)